Flower Kingdom - Palm Beach Gardens, FL

Flower Kingdom - Palm Beach Gardens, FL

Posted by Flower Kingdom on March 10, 2025 Birthday Flower Symbolism

Birth Flowers & Their Stories: The History Behind Your Month’s Signature Stems

You know you have a birthstone, but did you know you had birth flowers, too?! That’s right—every month has two designated blooms, and their history, story, and symbolism date way back. Some choices were based on seasonal availability, while others were tied to myths, legends, and cultural traditions. Whether your birth flower is a bold gladiolus or a soft peony, its meaning has been passed down for generations. Take a closer look at the stories hidden in these petals with the experts at Flower Kingdom, the best florist in Palm Beach Gardens.

January: Carnation, Snowdrop

Carnations, used in Greek and Roman coronations and ceremonies, have a history as rich as their ruffled petals. Their genus name, dianthus, means “flower of the gods.” Snowdrops, delicate but determined, defy winter’s chill. One Christian legend tells of an angel who turned snowflakes into snowdrops, offering Adam and Eve a promise of hope.

February: Violet, Iris

Violets, with their heart-shaped petals, were once key ingredients in Greek love potions, symbolizing love and fertility. This association stuck through the ages as they became Victorian symbols of romance and used to signify love in art and literature. Irises, named after the rainbow goddess Iris, represented the link between gods and mortals in both Greek and Egyptian mythology. These blooms even captured the eye of Van Gogh, who created iconic masterpieces connecting humans with Ancient Egyptian gods.

March: Daffodil, Jonquil

Daffodils have a legendary origin. According to Greek mythology, Narcissus, the son of the river God Cephissus, became entranced by his own reflection, ultimately leading him to waste away. As the story goes, Narcissus blooms (daffodil’s genus) blossomed in his place. Welsh folklore has a more uplifting connotation with daffodils —see the first one of spring, and you’re in for a prosperous year. Jonquils, a fragrant type of Narcissus, symbolize love rather than vanity, adding romance to the mix.

April: Daisy, Sweet Pea

Daisies, with their bright white petals and golden centers, were sacred to Freyja, the Norse goddess of love and fertility. Some believe they are one of the planet’s oldest flowers, having been carved into ancient stone millions of years ago. Sweet peas, brought to Europe in the 17th century, flourished in gardens and became a symbol of love and devotion. In France, they were a wedding tradition, gifted to brides to bring prosperity and happiness to their marriage.

May: Lily of the Valley, Hawthorn

According to Greek mythology, Apollo, always one to look out for his beloved nymphs, covered their path with Lily of the Valley so they could walk without harm. In Christian tradition, Lily of the Valley was said to have sprung from the tears of Mary at the crucifixion or as Eve wept during her exit from the Garden of Eden. Hawthorn, a Beltane staple in Celtic culture, symbolized the shift of the seasons and was thought to be linked to the fairy realm, offering protection and magic.

June: Rose, Honeysuckle

Roses have been the flower of love and romance for ages. Even Cleopatra’s lavish rose-filled rooms were a way to sweep Antony off his feet. Honeysuckles, with their irresistible scent, has an equally fascinating past. Its name means “honey suck” in Middle English, and Druids saw it as a flower of happiness. In European folklore, it was believed to bring luck and protection, making it a symbol of positivity and joy.

July: Larkspur, Water Lily

Delphiniums, known for their striking blue blooms, take their name from the Greek word for dolphin — their appearance mimicking a bottlenose. Other myths say they emerged from a dragon’s blue blood or during the Battle of Troy. Water lilies have been tied to the divine for centuries, associated with the Egyptian sun god Ra and the water nymphs of Greek mythology. In Hinduism and Buddhism, the water lily represents the highest form of spiritual enlightenment.

August: Gladiolus, Poppy

August’s flowers have serious warrior energy. Gladiolus, nicknamed sword lilies, were worn around the necks of Roman gladiators for protection. After battles, these blooms were tossed in celebration towards champions and represented bravery and courage. Poppies, linked to sleep and rebirth in ancient Greece, Egypt, and Mesopotamia, have since become symbols of remembrance, honoring fallen soldiers across the world.

September: Aster, Morning Glory

Asters shine with a name that means star in Greek, capturing their star-like beauty. Morning glories are linked to Japanese mythology. It is believed they grew where Izanami, goddess of creation and death, was laid to rest—blooming as a tribute to her love and beauty. Like love itself, these flowers open in the morning and fade by night. They remind us that life is short and we should always make the most of every day.

October: Marigold, Cosmo

Marigolds carry deep cultural significance, playing a sacred role in Dia De Los Muertos, Diwali, weddings, and other religious celebrations. Their bright petals symbolize warmth, life, and a connection to the afterlife. Cosmos, with their precisely arranged petals, live up to their Greek name kosmos, meaning harmony, order, and world. These flowers reflect the cosmic balance, which is both beautiful and essential.

November: Chrysanthemums, Peony

Nicknamed The Queen of Fall Flowers, chrysanthemums owe their name to the Greek words for gold and flower, capturing their warm autumn hues. Peonies, however, come from a place of divine jealousy—Aphrodite turned a nymph into one out of anger, while Zeus saved a healer by transforming him into this lush bloom. Whether symbols of envy or protection, these flowers carry centuries of powerful storytelling.

December: Holly, Narcissus

Once revered by the Druids, holly was believed to protect against harm and bring fertility, making it a powerful Celtic symbol. It later became a beloved Christmas decoration, representing joy and resilience through winter. Narcissus (as you should know), has a more tragic past—as Narcissus himself drowned due to the admiration of his own reflection. His story might be a warning, but his flowers are now symbols of hope and renewal.

You’ve got the birth flower knowledge—now let’s find the perfect bouquet! At Flower Kingdom, every arrangement is created with love and meaning, making your next birthday gift as thoughtful as it is beautiful.

Flower Facts: The symbolism behind your birth flower