These are roses that are spray painted blue.
Blue Rose Vase Bouquet
These are roses that are spray painted blue.
Blue Rose Vase Bouquet
During checkout, you may be offered additional finishing touches like chocolates, plush animals, or hand-written cards
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Our Blue Rose Vase Bouquet - is a stunning and sentimental arrangement that captures the essence of love and romance. Each delicate blue rose in this bouquet represents a unique and precious emotion, making it the perfect gift for that special someone in your life.
This Blue Rose Vase Bouquet is more than just a beautiful arrangement - it is a sentimental and heartfelt gesture that speaks volumes about your feelings. Whether you're expressing your love, appreciation, or gratitude, this bouquet is the perfect way to say it with flowers.
So, make a lasting impression on your loved one with our Blue Rose Vase Bouquet. Let the delicate blue roses speak for you and show that special someone just how much they mean to you.
Arrangement is Approximately 14" High x 12" Wide x 10 Deep
The cylinder vase is approximately 10" High x 5.5" Wide
Substitution Policy: Similar flowers will be substituted when not available for look and feel
Item Notes:: Flower Kingdom creates unique, custom arrangements hand designed by our talented staff. Mother Nature creates each flower and plant to be unique and our farm-fresh inventory varies every day, in order to to assure your gift is fresh and gorgeous our team may need to make substitutions but will capture the color & essence of your selection.