A wicker basket filled with orange roses, green leaves, and red berries sits on a table in a festive, decorated room with a pink tufted sofa and a Christmas tree.


How is Flower Kingdom handling COVID-19 (Coronavirus)?

Given the recent developments surrounding the spread of COVID-19, Flower Kingdom wants to assure you that we are taking every step possible to ensure the health and safety of our clients, employees, and partners.

We are closely monitoring the situation and are adhering to all CDC protocols and guidelines.  At our design studio and retail locations, we are regularly sanitizing all work stations, shared spaces and products.  Additionally, the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) have no reports of human illnesses that suggest COVID-19 can be transmitted by packaging, food or fresh products like flowers, but we remain vigilant in working to ensure safety remains the top priority.

As an additional precaution, we're offering no-contact delivery for those who prefer it.  For this option, we will call recipients to arrange the delivery to be left in a protected location for the recipient to pick up. 

Our top priority is to keep the entire Flower Kingdom community safe, and we will continue to assess and address the situation as it evolves.  We thank you for your business and look forward to continuing to serve our community.