Double heart on left are lavender roses, spray roses, buttons, statice, ribbon accented with flowers trailing right side has purple mini carnations & carnations comes on easel

Blue & Lavender Double Heart

Blue & Lavender Double Heart

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A double heart tribute created in memory of the loved one, this tribute is a unique expression of undying love, The double heart shape is covered with lavender and purple flowers. The left side of the double heart has roses, spray roses, buttons and statice in shades of lavender and purple. A ribbon trails down the side with flowers on the ribbon attached for accent. The right side of the heart has purple miniature carnations and carnations. The heart comes on a green wire easel stand.

Approximately 23" High x 23" Wide x 4" Deep

Substitution Policy: Similar flowers will be substituted when not available for look and feel

Item Notes:: Flower Kingdom creates unique, custom arrangements hand designed by our talented staff. Mother Nature creates each flower and plant to be unique and our farm-fresh inventory varies every day, in order to to assure your gift is fresh and gorgeous our team may need to make substitutions but will capture the color & essence of your selection.

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